Sunday, September 1, 2024

Peppermint Oil For Sinus Relief

Eucalyptus Benefits And The Best Essential Oils For Colds

How to Use Peppermint Oil for Congestion

Fall might bring changing leaves and pumpkin patches, but it also brings the cold and flu season. If youre ready to cut sinus congestion off at the pass, using medicinal scents of essential oils might be your new secret weapon.

Essential oils like eucalyptus are popular for easing stuffy noses due to their antibacterial and antimicrobial powers. Follow along as we guide you through the therapeutic benefits of essential oils, eucalyptus benefits, and how to use these magical elixirs to stop congestion in its tracks.

Can Essential Oils Clear Congestion?

Essential oils have a centuries-old reputation as a natural method of supporting physical health. As more people opt for natural alternative treatments for sinus congestion and the common cold, essential oils can be supportive allies against fall sniffles!

A stuffy nose is basically inflammation in the nasal cavities that blocks the flow of air. Breathing in essential oils can help clear nasal passages and reduce headaches common culprits of congestion. Eucalyptus benefits breathing, as do other key essential oils.

Inhaling the oils in different forms takes the active ingredients into the nose and respiratory tract, where their benefits can also include improving sleep quality and promoting quicker healing.

The Best Essential Oils for Clearing Congestion

PRO TIP: Prefer candles to diffusers for a more relaxed ambience? Eucalyptus is one of the key essential oils in our Forest Rain Soy Wax Candle.


What Is Peppermint Oil

Peppermint is a hybrid species of spearmint and water mint . The essential oils are gathered by CO2 or cold extraction of the fresh aerial parts of the flowering plant.

The most active ingredients include menthol and menthone .


You can find peppermint in several forms, including peppermint essential oil, peppermint leaves, peppermint spray and peppermint tablets. The active ingredients in peppermint give the leaves their invigorating and energizing effects.

Menthol oil is commonly used in balms, shampoos and other body products for its beneficial properties.


Not only is peppermint oil one of the oldest European herbs used for medicinal purposes, but other historical accounts date its use to ancient Japanese and Chinese folk medicine. Its also mentioned in Greek mythology when the nymph Mentha was transformed into a sweet-smelling herb by Pluto, who had fallen in love with her and wanted people to appreciate her for years to come.

The many peppermint oil uses have been documented back to 1000 B.C. and have been found in several Egyptian pyramids.

Today, peppermint oil is recommended for its anti-nausea impacts and soothing effects on the gastric lining and colon. Its also valued for its cooling effects and helps relieve sore muscles when used topically.

In addition to this, peppermint essential oil displays antimicrobial properties, which is why it can be used to fight infections and even freshen your breath. Pretty impressive, right?

The Benefits Of Essential Oils

Essential oils have been used for centuries as a natural way to support emotional and physical health. When people become wary about synthetic medications, they often turn to natural remedies such as essential oils.

Some people use over-the-counter decongestants or antibiotics to treat sinus congestion and sinus infections. These remedies arent for everyone. OTC decongestants can interact with prescription medications and arent recommended for people with multiple conditions, such as pregnancy or high blood pressure.

They can cause side effects, such as:

  • drowsiness

There isnt a lot of reliable research about essential oils and sinus congestion. Some studies suggest specific essential oils may relieve symptoms.

A found that tea tree, or melaleuca, oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Because sinus tissue inflammation and bacteria are often the culprits of sinus congestion, tea tree oil may help.

Researchers in a 2009 study found that 1,8 cineole, which is the main component of eucalyptus oil, is an effective and safe treatment for sinusitis that doesnt include antibiotics. According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy , 1,8 cineole helps clear the air of bacteria and other microbes. It can also help clear airways of mucus and is a natural cough suppressant.

Also Check: Children’s Cold And Sinus Medicine

Get Rid Of Pests With Peppermint Oil

  • Keep ants and spiders out of your home by making a barrier of peppermint oil. Put some oil on a cotton ball and wipe around the areas they are entering your home such as doorways or windows. They wont cross the barrier.
  • Place peppermint oil on cotton balls home to deter mice. Leave cottontails in strategic areas around your house to keep rodents at bay!
  • Make a homemade peppermint spray to get rid of fleas. Mix a few drops of peppermint oil with some epsom salts and warm water. Shake until salts are dissolved. Spray on dogs and carpets where fleas may lurk. Peppermint oil kills flea larvae.
  • Make an organic garden spray that kills aphids. Mix a few drops of peppermint oil with some water in a spray bottle and spray on plants with aphid infestations.
  • Place peppermint oil on the tip of a cotton swap and put around the head of a tick to remove it from skin.

Pine Or Cedarwood Essential Oil

Sinus Relief 2

If you have an overproduction of mucus due to an sinus infection or inflammation, pine or cedarwood essential oil are effective treatments. The cool and almost astringent aroma helps loosen phlegm and mucus, thereby helping the respiratory system function properly.

Extracted from the leaves of the pine or cedarwood tree which are native to regions in North America, these essential oils have been used for centuries to fight against inflammation and bacteria. They have incredible antiviral, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used daily to help treat congestion, inflammation, and other respiratory issues.

Pine or cedarwood essential oils should be used via diffuser, humidifier, or steam inhalation. If you are in a hurry or on the go, carry a bottle of this potent oil with you and simply breathe deeply over the open container a few times whenever needed throughout the day. With repeated use, you will notice a marked difference in the performance of your respiratory system and a drastic reduction the the duration of your symptoms.

Also Check: How To Relieve Sinus Pressure In Face And Eyes

Ways To Use Essential Oils

There are several ways to apply essential oils for maximum benefits. The steam inhalation process above is one of our favorites. Here are a few other options:

  • Diffusers: Essential oil diffusers come in many varieties, and each offers an efficient way to fill your space with beneficial plant essences. For best results, consult the directions for your specific diffuser model, then start experimenting with your favorite single oils or combinations.
  • Topicals: While essential oils can certainly be applied to the skin as either therapeutic fragrance or skin support, they must be diluted to a safe level to avoid potential health risks. In a 10 mL roller bottle, combine 5 to 10 drops of essential oil with a carrier oil like jojoba, olive, or sesame oil, secure lid, and shake to mix. Then, apply the diluted oil under the nostrils or across the chest.
  • Inhalation: For on-the-go relief, you can inhale your sinus supporting essences directly from the bottle. Simply open the bottle, bring a few inches from your nose, close your eyes, and breathe in.

How Eos Work To Provide Sinus & Congestion Relief

Its important to choose the right EOs for sinus and congestion relief because not just any EO will do.

In order to maximize their health benefits and healing potential, youll want to look for oils that have the following medicinal and therapeutic properties:

  • Analgesic pain relief from sinus headaches and pressure
  • Antibacterial to kill and prevent bacteria from growing into an infection
  • Antiviral to kill and prevent viruses from causing infections in the nasal passages
  • Antifungal to kill and prevent fungi from growing
  • Antiseptic to inhibit the growth of microbes and keep your sinuses clean
  • Anti-inflammatory properties to help relieve inflamed sinus passages
  • Antioxidant to help fight inflammation and free radicals
  • to relieve sinus congestion and remove excess mucus
  • to address any low-grade fever that might be present
  • Immune system support to help your body fight infections
  • Respiratory system support to aid in decongestion and difficulty breathing

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Common Essential Oils For Sinus Infection You Should Consider

Essential oils are known to provide many health benefits and certain oils may provide targeted relief to common issues. Some of the best essential oils for sinus infection relief include peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender and rosemary oils.

Peppermint Oil

Several users battling blocked sinus say they feel a lot better after inhaling peppermint oil.

Peppermint oil is menthol rich, and may influence the mucus receptors found in the nose and, as such, clear mucus and open the airways.

Researchshows peppermint essential oil’s ability to combat bacteria, a chief cause of sinus congestion.

Animal studies have shown supportive evidence that peppermint oil may reduce inflammation.

Eucalyptus Oil

Oil extracted from the eucalyptus plant may also serve as a potent alternative nasal decongestant.

Originally, eucalyptus oil is a key ingredient in many conventional decongestant products. Chest rubs are a common example.

Many swear by this oil’s ability to relieve symptoms of coughs and cold, including stuffed and inflamed cavities.

Cineole, a compound found in eucalyptus oil, has been found an effective and safe treatment alternative for sinus problems.

Research authors found the compound may relief several symptoms, including:

  • Nasal obstruction

Best Essential Oils To Ease Your Allergies

How to clear sinus, bronchial, lungs, with peppermint oil, steam deep breathing

Many people throughout the United States suffer from allergic rhinitis, or hay fever. Seasonal allergy symptoms, such as watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, headaches, and an impaired sense of smell, affect around 40 to 60 million Americans. Other people have more severe allergic reactions, which can lead to life threatening responses, such as inflammation of the trachea and shortness of breath. Some treat allergies with a daily antihistamine pill or do their best to avoid triggers, but avoiding pollen can be nearly impossible during spring time. However, there are some essential oils that serve as a natural and safe way to treat allergy systems.

The way essential oils work against allergens is through their ability to reduce inflammation and act as natural antibiotics. Some oils even work to relieve respiratory conditions. Here are the top 5 essential oils that can help with allergy symptoms.

Recommended Reading: What Clears Up A Sinus Infection

How To Choose The Right High

If youre using EOs for medicinal purposes its important to choose high-quality oils that are undiluted and 100% pure.

This will ensure youre getting maximum effectiveness and healing power.

Using only high-grade EOs for your little ones is crucial as theyre more sensitive and susceptible to harsh chemicals.

Here are seven factors to consider when purchasing EOs for sinus and congestion relief:

  • Always choose certified organic and therapeutic grade
  • Check quality assurance via testing
  • Look into the company are they reputable?
  • Check the label.
  • Dont skimp or cheap out.
  • Make sure the oils Latin name is on the label.
  • Observe your bodys feedback and trust your intuition.

Note: Just because an EO is known to have a certain effect, it doesnt mean each person will experience that same effect.

Were all made up differently and have our own unique biochemistry that interacts with the oils.

This is why its very important to listen to your own body.

Essential Oil Safety Precautions

Essential oils are made up of the aromatic volatile oils of plants and are quite potent, so safety is key when working with these valuable plant compounds. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Do Not Ingest: Some companies consider it safe to ingest essential oils internally, but we and many other natural health practitioners strongly disagree.
  • Dilute: Essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil before topical use.
  • Avoid the Eyes: Essential oils can irritate eye tissue and can be difficult to flush out, so avoid splashing or rubbing your eyes when working with them.
  • Use Caution if Pregnant: Many essential oils are contraindicated during pregnancy, so check in with your healthcare provider before use.
  • Choose Quality: Do your research to ensure you are purchasing only high-quality, pure, and therapeutic grade essential oils. Many products marketed as essential oils have been found to be diluted, contain synthetic chemicals fragrance oils, or made from plant material too degraded to be effective. Three trustworthy essential oil brands we rely on are Pranarom, Floracopeia, and Flor de Amor.
  • Less Is More: Essential oils are precious! It takes a large amount of plant material to make a very small amount of oil, so be sustainable and use sparingly!
  • Recommended Reading: What Can Be Taken For Sinus Infection

    Essential Oil Recipes To Use For Sinus Relief

    When using essential oils for sinus headaches, congestion, or other nasal symptoms, you can employ a single type of oil or combine types so long as the total drops dont exceed the recommendations above.

    Here are a few suggestions that have been found to result in particularly effective combinations.

    Recipe #1

    • Three drops pine or rosemary
    • Three drops peppermint
    • Four drops pine or rosemary
    • Four drops peppermint
    • Three drops peppermint
    • Two drops eucalyptus

    Some of these require mixtures in excess of what is advised by certain methods. In these cases, keeping to the spirit rather than the letter of the recipe will be called for. For instance, the fourth can be scaled down for steam treatment by only using two drops of each oil.

    What Causes Sinus Headache And Pain

    Gya Labs Peppermint Essential Oil For Hair Growth, Muscle ...

    Sinus headaches can be extremely uncomfortable, and you may feel pressure around your eyes, cheeks and forehead. Sometimes, you might even feel your head throbbing. Other common symptoms include stuffy nose, fatigue and an achy feeling in your upper teeth.

    So what causes sinus headaches?

    Sinus headaches are a result of sinusitis, when your sinus passages become inflamed from allergies or infection. Those who suffer sinus headaches due to exposure to allergens are actually experiencing hay fever.

    Also Check: What Causes Sinus Congestion At Night

    Ways To Use Aromatherapy Essential Oils For Sinus Infection

    You can call a sinus infection as ‘minor’ infection – but only a few conditions can be as discomforting as a stuffed up and inflamed nose.

    Often, the runny nose, breathing difficulty, painful notes behind the eyes, and troubling bouts of cough all gang up to wreck day-time productivity, significantly, and ruin your night’s drift.

    Thankfully, some essential oils have shown good promises in clearing up the nasal channels, ushering relief to sinus congestion and related symptoms.

    Before we discuss the different oils for sinus infection and how to use them, first things first…

    Sinus Relief With Peppermint And Oregano

    Brand Neutral:Scientific Studies:

    Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

    My daughter in the past had multiple sinus infections that even affected her ears. Since she has used Peppermint she has not has as many nor not as severe problems with this.

    I recently experienced sinus problems from a local fire and had relief in a day with use of Peppermint and Oregano. We inhale 3 times, lick it and hold it to the roof of our mouth and put some on the back of our neck. When it feels like an infection I put Oregano on my toes and very little on my cheeks. My younger daughter tried it on her 7 month old baby diluted 50/50 on his feet and he felt relief from nasal congestion.

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    Use A Saline Nasal Spray

    Saline nasal sprays work very much like the salt irrigation method weve just looked at, and you can easily buy them at a pharmacist or health and wellness stores.

    One big advantage nasal sprays have over the salt irrigation method is that a nasal spray is more compact and easy to carry around as they come simply as a squirt or pump bottle. Additionally, you wont need to go through the hassle of mixing your own saline solution. These nasal sprays also tend to also have a longer shelf life than saline solutions.

    Heres a step-by-step breakdown of how to use a saline nasal spray:

    • Put yourself in an upright position
    • Gently blow your nose to clear mucus
    • Close one of your nostrils and place the spray bottle under the nostril to which you are applying to
    • Make sure you aim away from the septum so as not to damage it
    • Inhale slightly through the nostril while you gently squeeze the spray applicator

    One downside to saline nasal sprays is that they can be costly in the long run if you use them on a regular basis.

    Furthermore, while saline nasal sprays can help ease symptoms, they do not address the root cause of your sinus issues. So if youre experiencing sinus problems because of allergies, you should look into removing or avoiding any allergens youre exposed to.

    Looking to purchase a nasal spray in Singapore? Did you know that there are actually three different nasal spray types? Learn all about them and how effective they are for nasal problems.

    Uses For Peppermint Oil

    10 Uses for Peppermint Oil! Headaches, Odor, Stress-Relief, Natural Energy

    Peppermint oil is one of the most versatile essential oils you can keep on hand. Peppermint essential oil has so many uses, both for your health and around your home. Today were going to talk about a few ways you can start using it in and around your home too. And remember, if you have any uses for peppermint oil that you dont see listed here, make sure to share your tips in the comments!

    Peppermint oil is the essential oil derived from the peppermint plant. It is commonly used in many home remedies, home and personal care products, and it has many soothing and even medicinal properties. Its also a pest repellant, so you can use it in your home and garden to get rid of the unwanteds.

    **Note: Like with all essential oils, test first to make sure you are not allergic, do not use on young children, do not use if pregnant, do not use around pets, and do not use if you have certain medical conditions. Nothing here is meant to diagnose, treat, or prevent diseases, please ask your doctor for that kind of advice. These are simply tips to give ideas. Do not ingest oils and do not use them on skin without diluting.

    Want to learn more uses for your essential oils or other basic items around your home? My book Little House Living: The Make Your Own Guide to a Frugal, Simple, Self Sufficient Life has a HUGE section in the back devoted to that exact topic!

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