Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Is Dizziness A Symptom Of Sinus Infection

Visit Sinus Solutions Of South Florida For Top Sinusitis Vertigo Treatment

Can Sinusitis cause dizziness and light headedness? – Dr. Sriram Nathan

If you regularly struggle with sinus infections and sinusitis vertigo, minimally invasive balloon sinusitis might provide you with the relief youre looking for. As an in-office procedure, balloon sinuplasty takes less than 20 minutes to perform and requires little-to-no recovery time. It has been proven to help with multiple types of sinus issues, including sinusitis vertigo, sinusitis and sleep apnea, and sinusitis congestion.

Dr. Bequer of Sinus Solutions of South Florida is one of the top providers of balloon sinuplasty in the Tampa and West Palm Beach areas. He and his staff are happy to answer any sinus-related questions you have, including everything from Why is my sinusitis worse at night? to What is the difference between sinusitis and a cold?

Life is crazy enough without the spinning sensations brought on by sinusitis vertigo. Let Sinus Solutions of South Florida help you regain your balance. Call us 790-7744 or request a consultation online today.

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Dr. Bequer is a leading South Florida ENT & sinus doctor, providing nasal, sinus, and snoring relief through balloon sinuplasty and various procedures the in West Palm Beach and Tampa areas.

So Can Sinuses Cause Dizziness

The answer is yes, and its not uncommon for people to experience this issue. It can be caused by allergies or a cold, but there are also other causes that well talk about in the following paragraphs.

If youre experiencing dizziness and want to know if your sinuses may be the cause, then keep reading!

How Long Do Sinus Infections Or Sinusitis Last

Sinusitis or sinus infections usually clear up if treated early and appropriately. Aside from those who develop complications, the outlook for acute sinusitis is good. People may develop chronic sinusitis or have recurrent attacks of acute sinusitis if they have allergic or structural causes for their sinusitis.

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Pain Tenderness Or Pressure Around The Face

Some people believe that our sinuses are only in the nose. However, these sacs spread out around the entire nasal area and cover the space from the lower forehead all the way to the front of the cheekbones.

Because they cover a good portion of the face, you could feel pain all over this area. As mucus accumulates in the nasal passages, it may push on your nerves. As a result, you may feel tenderness, pressure, or heaviness in your face.

Which Medications Open The Sinuses Will Antibiotics Cure Sinus Infections

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Medications that Cure Sinus Infections

The goal in treating sinus infections is to eliminate bacteria from the sinus cavities with antibiotics. This helps prevent complications, relieve symptoms, and reduce the risk of chronic sinusitis.

  • In acute, uncomplicated sinus infections, a synthetic penicillin, for example, amoxicillin , which is prescribed to most people to cure acute sinus infections. Amoxicilin is effective against the ususal causes of sinus infections, and is inexpensive. The most common side effects of amoxicillin include allergic reactions and an upset stomach.
  • People allergic to penicillin can take a sulfur-containing antibiotic called trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole or TMP/SMX . Sulfa drugs are not recommended for people who are allergic to sulfur.
  • People who have several episodes, or partially treated acute sinusitis or those who have chronic sinusitis may become resistant to amoxicillin and TMP/SMX. Synthetic penicillins and cephalosporins such as amoxicillin/clavulanate , cefuroxime , and loracarbef can cure most sinus infections.
  • Eventually, overuse of these “broad-spectrum” antibiotics may lead to organisms evolving that can resist even the most potent antibiotics available. Simpler antibiotics, for example, amoxicillin, should be used first and taken for the entire duration .

Medications to Keep the Sinuses Open

OTC Steroid Nasal Sprays

Nasal Sprays

Steroids are potent inhibitors of inflammation.

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When Is Surgery Necessary For Sinus Infections Or Sinusitis

Some people continue to have chronic sinusitis despite therapy with antibiotics and drugs for symptom relief. Those that have a CT scan indicative of a sinus infection, and any complications of sinusitis may benefit from sinus surgery.

  • Usually, surgery for sinus infections is performed endoscopically using a fiberoptic nasopharyngoscope.
  • The goal is to remove obstructive mucosal tissue, open the sinus-nasal passageway, and allow the sinuses to drain.
  • During the surgery, nasal polyps can be removed, and a crooked nasal septum can be straightened, leading to improved breathing.
  • Long-term nasal steroids and periodic antibiotics still may be necessary.

If you continue to have sinus infections, your doctor will order tests or procedures to find out why. A culture can be taken at the office or during the endoscopic surgery, which may reveal anaerobes, a type of bacteria. Treatment for this type of bacterial or fungal sinus infection are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics.

How You Can Treat Sinusitis Yourself

You can often treat mild sinusitis without seeing a GP by:

  • getting plenty of rest
  • taking painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen
  • avoiding allergic triggers and not smoking
  • cleaning your nose with a salt water solution to ease congestion
  • Boil a pint of water, then leave it to cool.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda into the water.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Stand over a sink, cup the palm of 1 hand and pour a small amount of the solution into it.
  • Sniff the water into 1 nostril at a time. Breathe through your mouth and allow the water to pour back into the sink. Try not to let the water go down the back of your throat.
  • Repeat the first 5 steps up to 3 times a day until your nose feels more comfortable.
  • You do not need to use all of the solution, but make a fresh solution each time you clean your nose.

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    How Can I Get A Diagnosis

    As mentioned above, vertigo is directly observable by measuring the movements of the eyes during an episode. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to wait until you have an episode and then get yourself to the doctor. Even better is to access a specialist in balance disorders.

    Of course, the real long term treatment for this will focus on relieving whatever it is that is causing your sinus issues. So you will need to get help from a sinus doctor.

    Can Sinus Infection Cause Nausea

    Sinus Infection and Dizziness

    Sinus infections are very common and everyone may have them. However, symptoms vary from person to person. It depends on the cause of the infection, whether it’s bacterial, fungal, or viral. You can also develop a sinus infection from allergies. It also depends on the makeup of your body. Your sinuses are small cavities in the bones of your face. They contain air, but blockage can cause an infection. This article will help you understand if nausea is one of the many symptoms of a sinus infection and how to deal with it.

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    When Should I Call My Healthcare Provider About Sinusitis

    Though many cases of acute sinusitis can improve with little to no treatment, you should call the doctor if you experience any painful symptoms. An antibiotic may be needed for a bacterial infection.

    If you find that your sinuses do not feel better after 10 days, symptoms have gotten worse, or you have symptoms that initially improved and then worsen five to six days later , you should contact your healthcare provider. Symptoms that continue after about four weeks may mean you have subacute or chronic sinusitis. If you develop other types of symptoms, such as severe eye swelling, or you are just not sure what you should do next, call your provider.

    If you have facial pain, and you have healthy teeth, you can try things like nasal rinses and warm, wet washcloths on your face to see if you find some relief. If so, and if your symptoms go away in about 10 days, you probably have had acute sinusitis and it has gotten better on its own. If not, and you continue to feel ill after three or four weeks, call your provider.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 06/04/2020.


    Sinus Infection Signs And Symptoms You Need To Know

    Sinus infection symptoms overlap so much with allergy, cold, and flu symptoms that it can be hard to differentiate between them all. A runny and itchy nose, congestion, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, fever, and phlegm are pretty standard across the board. But there are some unique symptoms that can help you determine if youve got a sinus infectiona bacterial infection that usually needs to be treated with antibiotics.

    A sinus infection usually starts as a virus, like the cold or flu. The virus then makes your mucous so thick that it doesnt cycle through your system like it normally would. Bacteria then overgrows in that mucous. Thats how a virus turns into a bacterial infection, Erich Voigt, M.D., director of the division of general otolaryngology at NYU Langone Medical Center, tells SELF.

    Since the initial virus wont respond to antibiotics, doctors want to make sure youre actually experiencing a bacterial infection before they give you meds. Theyll usually want to confirm your symptoms have lasted long enough and may also take a culture of your sinus mucous to check for bacteria.

    So how can you tell when youve got a sinus infection? Here are the sinus infection symptoms to look out for.

    Your symptoms will also become more sinus-focused when a sinus infection develops. The congestion and stuffiness may get worse, and mucous coming out of the nose may be more productive and discolored, Voigt says.

    Those symptoms include these, from the Mayo Clinic:

  • Bad breath
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    Ways To Deal With Sinus

    Treating neck pain from a sinus infection can include treating the infection itself, either with rest and plenty of water or with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. Severe, protracted sinus infections can cause neck pain that lasts weeks. Treating the neck pain itself can include over-the-counter pain relief medications. For more advanced cases, your doctor may prescribe nasal corticosteroids.

    Other treatments for sinus infections include antihistamines or special nasal sprays. However, if stiffness in your neck persists, especially if you have a high fever , its important to seek immediate medical attention, as this can be an indication that the infection may be spreading.

    If your neck pain and stiffness are associated with a sinus infection, instead of muscle problems like a strain, some treatments like prescription muscle relaxers or massage may not help the pain and stiffness.

    In some cases, neck pain associated with inflammation of the sphenoid sinuses may be treated with antibiotics. For worse conditions, you may need surgery to drain the sinuses.

    Suffer From Chronic Sinusitis

    Kill Sinus Infection in 20 Seconds With This Simple Method ...

    While acute sinusitis can last for up to four weeks, subacute and chronic sinusitis can last 12 weeks or more, sometimes persisting for months if not years. If your life has been disrupted by debilitating chronic sinusitis, a balloon sinuplasty may be the source of relief you need. Having successfully treated thousands of patients with chronic allergy and sinus problems, our knowledgeable and skilled doctors at South Florida Sinus and Allergy center can provide the high standard of care you need to improve your quality of life. To learn more about our Fort Lauderdale, FL sinusitis and sinuplasty treatments, dial 883-9449 or contact us online today.

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    Sinus Infection And Neck Pain: Is There A Correlation

    People with allergies or chronic colds understand that sinus infections can be a real pain in the neck. Most cases of acute sinusitis get better on their own. Your doctor may recommend treatments to help relieve sinusitis symptoms, but acute sinusitis can cause potentially dangerous complications. Read on if youre wondering if sinus infections can cause neck pain.

    Why Can Nasal Polyps Make You Dizzy

    Nasal polyps are soft, usually benign growths inside the nasal or sinus passageways caused by chronic inflammation. People with allergies or frequent sinus infections commonly suffer from nasal polyps. Nasal polyps increase sinus pressure. This can affect the Eustachian tube, which in turn disrupts balance and equilibrium, causing dizziness, or vertigo.

    This article discusses dizziness associated with nasal polyps.

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    Sinus Dizziness Requires Serious Treatment

    If chronic sinusitis starts causing you sinus dizziness, then the necessity of getting quick treatment from a good doctor becomes essential. Some particular medications can be helpful for treating sinus dizziness. These medications can only be prescribed from a qualified doctor. Still, it is advisory that do not become dependent on drugs for sinus dizziness, but take such action that sinusitis gets out of your life. Generally, it is caused by bacteria and to prevent these bacteria, one should eat healthy supplements and foods in regular diet.

    Sinus Infection Treatment In Will County And Dupage County Illinois

    ENT Manifestations of Migraine 1: dizziness, tinnitus, sinus pressure but no headache

    If youre experiencing symptoms of sinusitis, the experts at Oak Brook Allergists can help you find relief especially if you have chronic sinusitis. Our allergy and immunology physicians and specially-trained assistants work together to provide you with the relief you need.

    Make an appointment today by calling 574-0460, or you may request an appointment online.

    Don’t Miss: How To Fix Sinus Drainage

    Stuffiness Ear Discomfort And Sinus Pain

    Get moisture. Use a nasal saline spray several times a day, or hold a warm, moist washcloth to your face. This can ease the pressure and pain.

    Humidifiers will also help keep your sinuses from drying out. Or you can sit in the bathroom with a hot shower running for 15 minutes to curb pain.

    Check the medicine cabinet. Try an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen, to ease an earache or pain from sinus pressure.

    Try a . Over-the-counter tablets or nasal sprays can ease sinus blockage which in turn can relieve clogged ears. But don’t use nasal decongestant sprays for more than 3 days, or you will rebound⦠meaning the more you use it the more you need it because youâre congested.

    Avoid extreme temperatures. They can make sinus-related ear problems worse. If your ears bother you, it isnât the time to go jogging on a hot day or build a snow fort with the kids.

    Keep your head up. If you bend forward with your head down, it can make the pressure worse. Youâll want to skip yoga class until the sinus problem is over.

    Blow your nose gently. Block one nostril while you blow through the other.

    Drink plenty of fluids. Down lots of water in the evening. When you stay hydrated, it keeps nasal mucus thin. That helps it drain and means less nighttime stuffiness.

    Dizziness Or Vertigo Same Difference

    The first thing to be clear about is whether youre experiencing dizziness or vertigo because, clinically speaking, they arent the same thing. Unfortunately, people suffering from balance problems, as well as non-expert writers on the internet, tend to use the terms interchangeably.

    Dizziness is a sensation that your sense of balance is disturbed in some way. Putting that sensation into words may not always be easy. Vertigo specifically describes a spinning sensation, most often experienced as the room spinning.

    This is because a neurologic response affecting the movement of your eyes is triggered. This is called nystagmus and can be described as a flicking movement of your eyes.

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    What Should I Do If My Sinus Infection Makes Me Dizzy

    If youre feeling dizzy from a sinus infection or from similar symptoms and are unsure of what to do, CT Sinus Center is a great place to start. When you first come in, well take the time to sit down with you and thoroughly discuss your symptoms and medical history before we begin up-to-date diagnostics. Once we get to the root of your vertigo, well find a treatment that is the right fit for your lifestyle. You may even be a candidate for balloon sinuplasty, a noninvasive, in-house procedure done with local anesthesia, that promotes natural drainage and healing, leaving you sinus pressure-free and your world a lot more steady.

    Schedule an appointment with one of our experienced physicians before things spin out of control. Call 860-BALLOON to schedule an appointment at one of CT Sinus Centers four conveniently-located offices Kent, Litchfield, Shelton and Waterbury.

    How Is Acute Sinusitis Treated

    Sinus Drainage Into Jaw Migraines Vertigo

    Acute sinusitis is typically a short-term condition that is not too severe. For many people, little or no treatment is needed. Most people get better on their own after seven to 10 days.

    Antibiotics are only helpful for bacterial infections. Most sinusitis is due to viruses or other causes that are not cured by antibiotics.

    Other treatment options include ways to manage your symptoms. You can:

    • Try nasal sprays and decongestants. You should not use over-the-counter medicated nose sprays longer than three days unless your healthcare provider says you should.
    • Get extra rest and drink extra fluids.
    • Use over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen if you have significant pain.
    • Irrigate your nasal passages with saline solution. Since this is just salt and sterile water applied to the nose for cleaning, you can continue longer than five days.

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    Does Sinus Infection Cause Dizziness

    February 9, 2016 by woundcaresociety

    Sinus infection might be acute and chronic. An acute sinusitis can be triggered by allergies, weather, and cold, and usually lasts only for a short period of time. On the other hand, a chronic sinus infection lasts much longerit may last for more than eight weeks, causing excruciating pain, and tends to reoccur. There are some noticeable symptoms of sinus infection, which may resemble the symptoms of cold and allergies, but can still be differentiated from ones. Some of these symptoms, however, is a common health disturbance, such as a headache, dizziness, or lightheaded.

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