Monday, September 2, 2024

How To Check For Sinus Infection

What To Do For Chronic Sinusitis

Best Way to Diagnose a Sinus Infection

If youre suffering from chronic sinusitis or you are getting frequent sinus infections you should see your doctor, says Dr. Sindwani.

Your doctor will swab your nose to collect mucus. Culturing it in a laboratory will reveal which type of bacteria is causing the infection so the right antibiotic can be prescribed.

Treat early sinus infection symptoms with rest, hydration and over-the-counter sprays and decongestants. But dont look for an antibiotic unless your illness extends beyond a week, he says. Then check in with your doctor for a prescription and let him or her know if your condition worsens.

Sinusitis: Viral Vs Bacterial Infection

After youve tested, call your primary care doctor to schedule an in-person or virtual visit. Talk through your symptoms, and then your provider can help you determine the best next steps, Dr. Ruff says.

If you have a negative COVID test, we can see you and determine if you have an actual sinus infection and then determine the best treatment, Dr. Ruff says. Were swabbing everyone at my clinic with a respiratory viral panel, which is the same COVID swab, but in addition to COVID, it tells you what virus you have, such as rhinovirus or a number of other respiratory viruses even the flu.

A sinus infection, sinusitis, occurs when your sinuses become inflamed and blocked. This is why you may feel pain or pressure in your face. Sinusitis is usually caused by a virus, but bacterial infections also can cause it.

A viral sinus infection will usually begin to improve after five to seven days. A bacterial sinus infection will last seven to 10 days or longer and may get worse after a week.

To help alleviate your symptoms, stock up on nonprescription pain relievers, fever reducers, decongestants and cough drops. Stay home, rest and drink lots of fluids. Using a humidifier in your bedroom might help. Your provider may prescribe antibiotics if your symptoms last longer than 10 to 14 days.

You dont ever treat with antibiotics unless its been more than 10 to 14 days because, in that situation, you may have a bacterial infection, Dr. Ruff says.

What Are The Different Types Of Sinuses Near The Nose And Eyes

The paranasal sinuses are located in your head near your nose and eyes. They are named after the bones that provide their structure.

  • The ethmoidal sinuses are located between your eyes.
  • The maxillary sinuses are located below your eyes.
  • The sphenoidal sinuses are located behind your eyes.
  • The frontal sinuses are located above your eyes.

The biggest sinus cavity is the maxillary cavity, and it is one of the cavities that most often becomes infected.

There are different types of sinusitis:

  • Acute bacterial sinusitis: This term refers to a sudden onset of cold symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose, and facial pain that does not go away after 10 days, or symptoms that seem to improve but then return and are worse than the initial symptoms . It responds well to antibiotics and decongestants.
  • Chronic sinusitis: This term refers to a condition defined by nasal congestion, drainage, facial pain/pressure, and decreased sense of smell for at least 12 weeks.
  • Subacute sinusitis: This term is used when the symptoms last four to twelve weeks.
  • Recurrent acute sinusitis: This term is used when the symptoms come back four or more times in one year and last less than two weeks each time.

Read Also: How To Get Tested For Sinus Infection

Is It A Cold Covid

One of the challenging things about recognizing COVID-19 and other illnesses is that they can share some of the same symptoms. Many articles have been written comparing the symptoms of COVID-19 and influenza, as these two illnesses have perhaps the most in common. But many symptoms of COVID-19 also resemble those of a cold or sinus infection . Learn to tell the difference and how to get the right treatment for your illness.

Runny Nose And Postnasal Drip

How To Test For Fungal Sinus Infection

When you have a sinus infection, you may need to blow your nose often because of nasal discharge, which can be cloudy, green, or yellow. This discharge comes from your infected sinuses and drains into your nasal passages.

The discharge may also bypass your nose and drain down the back of your throat. You may feel a tickle, an itch, or even a sore throat.

This is called postnasal drip, and it may cause you to cough at night when youre lying down to sleep, and in the morning after getting up. It may also cause your voice to sound hoarse.

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Types Of Sinus Surgery:

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery

In this form of surgery, an endoscope is inserted into the nasal passageway. The doctors then use special surgical instruments to remove any kind of blockages such as nasal polyps. The procedure does not leave behind any trace of scarring. If the sinusitis reoccurs, the surgery can be repeated a few times.

Caldwell-Luc operation

This is more or less an obsolete procedure and may be done in some very specific cases. In this procedure, the surgeon creates a pathway between nose and the maxillary sinus to aid in the easy drainage of any mucus that builds up in the area. The surgery is performed by making a cut in the premolar region of the upper jaw to enter the sinus cavity. The procedure is only recommended if there is a growth inside the sinus cavity that needs to be removed.

Complications Of Sinus Infection

Sinus inflammation can spread to the bones and soft tissues of the face and eyes. This can cause:

  • Cellulitis of the face or around the eyes
  • Abscesses of the eyes
  • Blindness

Left intreated, sinus infections can also lead to serious intracranial complications, including blood clots within the cavernous sinus, pus between the skulls and dura mater , and meningitis.

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Do I Have Covid Or A Sinus Infection

Although some of the symptoms are shared, there are several distinct ways to tell if you have covid or a sinus infection.

Its human nature to sometimes think the worst if you experience any symptoms in todays environment but in fact, the common cold, influenza, allergies, and sinus infections share some of the same symptoms as the COVID-19.

Heres how you can tell the difference and when you should consider seeking medical help.

Treating Allergy Infections With Crimson Cares Pediatric Services

Ask Dr. Mike: What is a sinus infection and how do I treat it?

The sinuses arent fully developed until the later teen years, which can make pediatric sinusitis difficult to diagnose. This is where your medical care provider steps in to determine if the infection is caused by allergies and hay fever. Our urgent care staff will examine your childs symptoms.

Treatment can include nasal steroid sprays or nasal saline drops for short-term use to relieve symptoms. Antibiotics may be necessary to treat the infection. Well develop a medical treatment plan for your childs allergies or sinus infection and provide instructions to continue care at home.

If your childs hay fever symptoms worsen or persist after 10 days, we encourage you to see us at Crimson Care Urgent Care.

** At Crimson Care, we have CDC healthcare guidelines in place and can help address your concerns regarding COVID-19 . Please contact your healthcare provider BEFORE entering facilities if you believe you have been exposed to the Coronavirus and have developed symptoms including fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. **

Learn about pediatric care services available at Crimson Care in Tuscaloosa, AL.

Check us out today on our website, or give us a call today at Crimson Care Veterans: 507-1100, Crimson Care Skyland: 507-1119, or First Care: 349-2323.

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Causes And Risk Factors Of Sinus Infection

The terms “sinus infection” and “sinusitis” are often used interchangeably, but sinusitis simply refers to the inflammation of the sinuses, with or without an infection. The medical term for sinusitis is rhinosinusitis because the illness affects the mucous membranes in both the sinuses and nose.

Sinus infections ultimately develop because of sinus and nasal blockages that result in sinus inflammation. There are several underlying causes of sinus blockage, including various environmental, anatomical, and genetic factors. But the most common cause of the blockage is inflammation or swelling of the nasal passages because of the common cold or allergies.

In healthy people, mucosal secretions are always moving and draining into the nasal cavity. But

when blockage occurs, mucus fails to drain properly, increases in thickness, and fills the sinus spaces.

The cilia also slow down their sweeping and cleaning, making it even harder for mucus to drain.

When the mucus is unable to drain, it becomes the perfect medium for microbes to grow out of control and cause an infection.

What Are The Signs Of Fungal Sinusitis

Having looked at what fungal sinusitis is, it is now time to look at some of the signs to help you understand this condition even better. Here are some of the known signs of fungal sinus infection which you might need to know. As you seek to find answers to the question of how to test for fungal sinus infection these are some of the signs you need to look out for.

  • A decreased sense of smell and in some cases some bad smell in the nose
  • Some sort of inflammation in the nose as well as the sinuses
  • Some nasal congestion together with a runny nose
  • Pain as well as some tenderness in the sinuses area

If you have a weaker immune system then chances are you might contract a fungal sinus infection. Is proven that people with a weaker immune system have a higher chance of developing a fungal sinus infection. On the other hand, if you have a stronger immune system then chances are you might be able to avoid a fungal sinus infection. Nonetheless, you still need to find a way to know how to test for fungal sinus infection.

Also Check: Prescription Antibiotics For Sinus Infection

How Is Sinusitis Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider will ask you a lot of questions in order to develop a detailed medical history and find out about your symptoms. They will also do a physical examination. During the exam, your care provider will check your ears, nose and throat for any swelling, draining or blockage. An endoscope may be used to look inside the nose. In some cases, you might be referred to an ear, nose and throat specialist. If you needed an imaging exam, your provider would order a computed tomography scan.

Sinus Infection Treatment And Sinus Pressure Relief


If youre suffering from a short bout of sinusitis which is inflammation of the sinuses from a cold or allergies, but not necessarily infection there are several things you can do at home to ease your sinus pressure symptoms. Use over-the-counter decongestants and saline nose spray to open up the nasal passages. Pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can provide relief from sinus pain as well.However, if your symptoms last more than a few days you should see a doctor for evaluation and treatment. If your cold or sinusitis has developed into a bacterial sinus infection, you may need antibiotics to treat it. Both adults and children can receive care for sinus infections at any of our PhysicianOne Urgent Care centers in Connecticut, Massachusetts or New York, 365 days per year. You can even check in online now at the center nearest you for a convenient appointment with minimal time in the waiting room.

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Throat Irritation And Cough

As discharge from your sinuses drains down the back of your throat, it can cause irritation, especially over a long period of time. This can lead to a persistent and annoying cough, which can be worse when lying down to sleep or first thing in the morning after getting up from bed.

It can also make sleeping difficult. Sleeping upright or with your head elevated can help reduce the frequency and intensity of your coughing.

When To Contact A Medical Professional

  • Your symptoms last longer than 10 to 14 days or you have a cold that gets worse after 7 days.
  • You have a severe headache that is not relieved by over-the-counter pain medicine.
  • You have a fever.
  • You still have symptoms after taking all of your antibiotics properly.
  • You have any changes in your vision during a sinus infection.

A green or yellow discharge does not mean that you definitely have a sinus infection or need antibiotics.

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How Long Does A Sinus Infection Last

Sinus infections can last several days. Viral sinus infections are usually most severe three to six days after they start, and then begin to improve by day 10. A viral sinus infection can develop into a bacterial infection, which typically lasts longer than 10 days. Patients will usually respond to antibiotics within two to three days after a bacterial sinus infection is diagnosed and treated. After that, sinus infections can resolve anywhere between seven and 14 days.

There are three types of sinusitis. All three are based on length of symptoms:

  • Acute Sinusitis symptoms last for less than four weeks
  • Subacute Sinusitis symptoms last for four to 12 weeks
  • Chronic Sinusitis symptoms last for more than 12 weeks
  • Do I Need Antibiotics For Every Sinus Infection

    How to Treat a Sinus Infection Naturally

    Many sinus infections are caused by viruses, the ones that cause the common cold. These types of infections are not cured by antibiotics. Taking an antibiotic for a viral infection unnecessarily puts you at risk for side effects related to the antibiotic. In addition, the overuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance, which may make future infections more difficult to treat.

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    Research And Statistics: Who Gets Sinus Infections

    Each year, acute sinusitis affects about 31 million Americans, who spend a whopping $1 billion on over-the-counter medications and $150 million on prescription medications to treat the illness, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.

    Epidemiologic studies suggest 5 to 12 percent of people have chronic sinus infections. However, research published in December 2018 in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology suggests this may be an overestimation due to misdiagnosis. According to the study, which relied on imaging tests for diagnosis , about 3.0 to 6.4 percent of people may have chronic sinus infections. 32786-6/fulltext” rel=”nofollow”> 5)

    Covid Symptoms Virus Expert Experienced

    Susky says, “How I felt symptom wise was mostly fatigue, a very small stuffiness in my nose, and an infrequent dry cough . In any other circumstance I would have believed this was just due to me being overworked. I thought it might be COVID-19 and got tested only because I was assisting with a COVID-19 outbreak I was concerned about bringing it home to my family. I later developed a headache, muscle pains, mild cramping and more frequent bowel movements . I have had common colds more severe than this and no one would have been able to tell that I was ill simply by looking at me.”

    “COVID-19 can range from extremely mild symptoms to severe and life threatening,” she continued. “People often get cold or flu-like symptoms with COVID-19 dry cough, headache, body aches, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and malaise. However, there are many other symptoms that can appear as well falls and changes in level of consciousness in older people, the worsening of chronic conditions, conjunctivitis, and the loss of taste and smell. After about a week of symptom onset, those who get severe COVID-19 manifest. People with severe COVID-19 have trouble breathing and will need supplemental oxygen or ventilator assisted breathing in hospitals.”

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    How Would Doctors Diagnose A Sinus Infection Vs Covid

    The determination as to whether you have COVID or a sinus infection should be made by a doctor. If the doctor suspects COVID-19, he or she will test you for the virus by swabbing your sinus cavity and sending the sample to a lab.

    When doctors suspect a sinus infection, they look inside the nose for redness and swelling and will ask you about the color and frequency of your nasal discharge. They will check to see if your face is tender and ask you questions about how long youve been suffering from the illness.

    Dr. Chase suggest there are three primary criteria that indicate a sinus infection:

    We dont usually diagnose a sinus infection until somebody has been sick for seven to 10 days. Typically, with that youre going to have the classic tenderness in your sinuses, he says. Usually youre going to have a yellow/green runny nose thats pretty consistent throughout the day, and youre going to have a fever. You want to see those three things before you diagnose somebody with a sinus infection.

    With COVID-19, the duration of the illness is different, along with the sinus tenderness, and discharge. If youre worried about your symptoms and are suffering from pain, fever, headaches, or any other clinical symptoms, its a good idea to consult your doctor.

    How A Sinus Infection Is Diagnosed

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    The diagnosis of a sinus infection is usually based on symptoms and a physical exam. If your symptoms don’t improve with treatment, you may need X-rays or a CT scan. Sometimes a sample of sinus fluid may be taken for microscopic exam and culture .

    Though not all sinus infections require treatment, early diagnosis and treatment can help you feel better sooner and potentially prevent the infection from progressing.

    Also Check: If Sinus Infection Is Left Untreated

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