Monday, September 2, 2024

What Causes Constant Sinus Infections

Bacterial Or Staph Nose Infection

Ending Your Chronic Sinus Infections

Why are bacterial cases common? Almost everyone carries the staph bacteria in the nose or on the skin surface. Under favorable conditions, the bacteria multiply leading to an infection.

The bacterial strain Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause. Most cases caused by S. aureus are secondary. Infections occur after colds, flu or when the nasal membranes become viable hence cannot filter out germs and foreign stuff.

Bacterial caused cases of nose or staph can produce localized signs or as inside-body symptoms in the case of invasive infections, i.e. when it attacks internal body organs.

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Can Respiratory Problems Contribute To Throat Clearing

Yes, problems with various parts of the respiratory tract can cause a need for excessive throat clearing. Asthma and chronic bronchitis can both cause throat clearing along with the more common symptoms of cough and difficulty breathing. In addition, the vocal cords and larynx can be irritated by voice overuse or reflux from the stomach, leading to throat clearing as well as hoarseness. The uppermost part of the respiratory tract can be affected by post-nasal drip, usually due to allergies or a respiratory infection. In this case, irritation of the throat triggers throat clearing.

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What Are The Different Types Of Sinus Infections

Sinusitis is categorized based on how long the condition lasts as well as its frequency:

  • Acute sinusitis usually lasts a few weeks, but less than a month. There is a subcategory of acute sinusitis, called recurrent acute sinusitis, which occurs when someone gets four or more sinus infections in a year, with symptoms resolving after each one.
  • Subacute sinusitis lasts one to three months.
  • Chronic sinusitis lasts three months or more.

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Our Expert Doctors Can Treat Chronic Sinusitis

Many of the patients we see with chronic sinusitis, especially those with chronic headaches, fatigue, cough, throat clearing, trouble breathing through their nose, and difficulty sleeping, have come to see us after a long journey to many other physicians. Primary care physicians, urgent care centers, different kinds of specialists, and other doctors are often unable to provide answers or guidance. Our doctors specialize in nose, sinus, and allergy issues only, so we are often able to make this difficult diagnosis and explain treatment options at the first visit.

What Our Patients Say

80 Best Of What Are The Symptoms Of Ethmoid Sinusitis

After living for years with a deviated septum and chronic sinusitis, I can breathe again and have not gotten any sinus problem since the procedure two months ago. Procedure was quick, painless, and almost instant results. Everyone is super friendly and it is always a pleasure to go into the office. Thanks! Jon S.

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Accurate Sinus Diagnosis And Treatments Is Essential

The only way to stop recurring sinus infections once and for all is to have an evaluation by a specialist who has the specialized training and experience to accurately diagnose their cause. Once you have an accurate diagnosis, we can discuss the options. The goal is always to provide the patient with all the available options, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each, and help you find the best treatment plan for you.

Your Sinusitis Keeps Coming Back Because You Dont Have An Accurate Diagnosis

If the infection lasts longer than a couple of weeks or the pain is becoming unbearable, seek medical treatment immediately. Accurate diagnosis is key to treating sinusitis, especially when the infections return over and over again. You can treat allergies all you want, but a polyp, deviated septum, or other anatomical abnormalities in the nasal passages wont disappear without more expert treatment.

A comprehensive examination of the nose and sinus passages by a specialist is necessary to evaluate the correct diagnosis and cause of your symptoms. In some cases, what has been previously diagnosed as a sinus issue has, in fact, been caused by another issue. Identifying the correct diagnosis is the first step to feeling better.

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How Can I Prevent A Sinus Infection

One of the best ways to prevent chronic sinusitis is to avoid the initial infection. Follow these tips:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for a least 20 seconds, especially when coming into contact with commonly used surfaces. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid anyone with a cold, flu or other respiratory illness.
  • Stop smoking or avoid secondhand smoke.

If you have a sinus infection, stay home, if you can. Remember to practice the following safety measure so that you avoid making others sick:

When Should I Call My Healthcare Provider About Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Sinus Infections – Part 1: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Diagnosis

Remember, your health is your business. You do not have to put up with feeling ill for long periods of time. Pay attention to how long you have sinus symptoms because this is something that your care provider will ask you. Keep track of things that you have done to make yourself feel better. If medications are prescribed, make sure you store them and take them as instructed.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 06/04/2020.


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Are There Any Complications From Chronic Sinusitis

Living with untreated chronic sinusitis can be unpleasant with the persistent symptoms but serious complications are uncommon. A sinus infection may spread to nearby areas, such as around an eye, into adjoining bones, into the blood, or into the brain. Children are more prone than adults are to complications. Swelling or redness of an eyelid or cheek in a child with sinusitis should be reported to a doctor urgently.

How To Diagnose Chronic Sinusitis

Many patients we see with chronic sinusitis have been to multiple physicians prior without a diagnosis. An exam will usually include a nasal endoscopy, where a very small scope is used to look at the inside of the nose. This process is usually suggestive of the diagnosis, but a low dose CT scan a 3-minute test that can be performed in the office is needed to confirm the diagnosis of chronic sinusitis.

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Diagnosis Of Sinus Drainage

Your physician will begin by asking what your symptoms are and what seems to trigger them. The physician will also feel around for any tenderness and look inside of your nose. If symptoms tend to be brought on by allergies, then your physician will recommend allergy testing. Allergy testing will allow you to know what to avoid. Imaging tests, nasal endoscopy, or sinus cultures will all help to see any other underlying conditions that may be the cause of sinus drainage.

What Are The Different Types Of Sinuses Near The Nose And Eyes

Sinus Infection Symptoms

The paranasal sinuses are located in your head near your nose and eyes. They are named after the bones that provide their structure.

  • The ethmoidal sinuses are located between your eyes.
  • The maxillary sinuses are located below your eyes.
  • The sphenoidal sinuses are located behind your eyes.
  • The frontal sinuses are located above your eyes.

The biggest sinus cavity is the maxillary cavity, and it is one of the cavities that most often becomes infected.

There are different types of sinusitis:

  • Acute bacterial sinusitis: This term refers to a sudden onset of cold symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose, and facial pain that does not go away after 10 days, or symptoms that seem to improve but then return and are worse than the initial symptoms . It responds well to antibiotics and decongestants.
  • Chronic sinusitis: This term refers to a condition defined by nasal congestion, drainage, facial pain/pressure, and decreased sense of smell for at least 12 weeks.
  • Subacute sinusitis: This term is used when the symptoms last four to twelve weeks.
  • Recurrent acute sinusitis: This term is used when the symptoms come back four or more times in one year and last less than two weeks each time.

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What Is Sinus Pressure And Pain

Our sinus cavity is the hollow space behind our eyes and nose. It helps us by assisting in airflow and allowing us to breathe easier. Problems start to occur when our sinus cavity openings become swollen. When the swelling occurs it can lead to stuffiness, congestion, and the disruption of airflow. Swelling also causes bacteria to become trapped and this leads to pain and infection.

Several factors can cause nasal passage irritation and bring on sinus pressure symptoms:

  • Environmental irritants â Airborne pollutants such as those that cause allergies can trigger mucus build-up and sinus pressure.
  • A sinus infection â Sinusitis, more commonly known as a sinus infection, could be a cause of your sinus pressure and pain. If you think you may have a sinus infection, talk to your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
  • The common cold â Not every cold is the same but sometimes symptoms include mucus build-up, which can mean sinus pressure and pain.

There are different types of sinuses, each of which can cause different sinus pain symptoms:

  • Frontal âFrontal sinuses cause forehead pain and headaches
  • Ethmoid âEthmoid sinuses cause pain between the eyes and across the nose.
  • Maxillary âMaxillary sinuses cause pain in the cheeks, upper jaw or teeth.
  • Sphenoid âSphenoid sinuses cause pain behind the eyes, on the top of the scalp, or along the back of the head.

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Overview Of Sinus Drainage

Sinus drainage is also frequently known as acute sinusitis. This occurs when the cavities that is around the nasal passages become swollen and inflamed. This area is also called the sinuses. When this occurs, then there is a problem with drainage and mucus will begin to build up in this area. Sinus drainage is usually caused by a cold or an allergy. The sickness usually goes away within 10 days.

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Eye Mucus At Night And After Waking Up

Eye mucus is described as thick, yellow discharge that forms in the corners of the eye. Often settling into a hard crust on the eyelid and lashes, mucus in eye can also be more pus-like, with green, liquid discharge leaking from the eye.

Most commonly, mucus builds overnight while you are sleeping, and it seeps out of your eye throughout the night. In more extreme cases, you might even wake up being unable to open your eyes. If you have an eye infection, such as conjunctivitis, mucus will continue to seep from the eye throughout the day.

Check If You Have Sinusitis

Sinusitis, Animation.

Sinusitis is common after a cold or flu.

Symptoms of sinusitis include:

  • pain, swelling and tenderness around your cheeks, eyes or forehead
  • a reduced sense of smell
  • green or yellow mucus from your nose
  • a sinus headache

Signs of sinusitis in young children may also include irritability, difficulty feeding, and breathing through their mouth.

The sinuses are small, empty spaces behind your cheekbones and forehead that connect to the inside of the nose.

Sinusitis causes the lining of the sinuses to swell up.

This stops mucus draining into your nose and throat properly, making you feel blocked up.

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Do I Have Chronic Sinusitis

If you have had nasal congestion and drainage for more than 3 months, you may have chronic sinusitis. The primary symptoms are nasal congestion, stuffiness, mouth breathing, and snoring. Nasal blockage often results in loss of taste and smell. Pain and fever are less commonly seen in chronic sinusitis than in acute infections. Chronic sinusitis causes swelling and drainage in the nose, which can best be seen during an endoscopic examination by an ENT specialist .

You should see a specialist if any of the following last 3 months or longer:

  • Thick or discolored nasal discharge
  • Nasal congestion or obstruction
  • Facial pain, pressure or fullness

What Are The Symptoms Of Chronic Sinusitis

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis may include:

  • Tenderness or pressure in the face .
  • Post nasal drip .
  • Nasal discharge or a stuffy nose.
  • Toothache, ear pain and/or headache.
  • Loss of the senses of taste and smell.

The combination of symptoms and the fact that they last for such a long period of time can make you miserable. You’ll probably have trouble sleeping through the night and may have dark circles under your eyes.

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The Key To Treat The Sinus Is To Know What Causes It Sinus Infections Are Very Common And May Require A Close Examination Before The Initiation Of The Treatment

Sinuses are the air-filled, bony cavities inside the skull and the face. Sinus infection is also referred to as rhinosinusitis and is characterized by the inflammation of soft tissues which form the lining of the sinus cavity.

Many of you may have encountered a sinus isssue or sinus infection. But what causes sinus infection? Although everyone’s condition is different, there are some common causes listed in the following contents can help you figure out what causes your discomfort, then take some effective actions to deal with it.

Fungal Ball Sinus Infection

Sinusitis â Dr. Yasir Unani Herbal Hospital &  Research Center

A fungal ball sinus infection, or mycetoma, is a condition in which fungal hyphae accumulate in the sinuses and form fungal balls. If left untreated, these balls can grow bigger and block the sinuses, causing facial pain, swelling, and tenderness. Fungal balls can also trap bacteria, which can lead to a secondary bacterial infection.

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How Do You Get Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis means that a sinusitis becomes persistent and lasts for longer than 12 weeks. Chronic sinusitis is uncommon. Most cases of chronic sinusitis develop following an acute sinusitis infection. Most cases of acute sinusitis go away within 2-3 weeks, often much sooner. In some cases the symptoms do not go and become persistent . The following are causes of acute sinusitis that may progress into a chronic sinusitis:

  • Cold or flu-like illnesses – in most cases, acute sinusitis develops from a cold or flu-like illness. Colds and flu are caused by germs called viruses which may spread to the sinuses. The infection may remain viral before clearing, causing a viral sinus infection. In a small number of cases, germs called bacteria add on to an infection that started with a virus. This can cause a bacterial sinus infection which can make the infection worse, can last longer and may cause more damage or changes to the lining of the sinus.
  • Dental infections – in some cases, infection spreads to a cheekbone sinus from an infected tooth.
  • Other risk factors for sinus infection – in a few people, one or more factors are present that may cause their sinuses to be more prone to infection. Acute sinusitis may be more likely to progress into chronic sinusitis as there is an underlying problem. Risk factors for sinus infection are dealt with in detail in our separate leaflet called Acute Sinusitis.

Signs And Symptoms Of Sinus Infections

The hallmark symptoms of acute sinus infections are nasal congestion and blockage, a nasal discharge that is thick with a yellow to green coloration, decreased sense of smell, and a feeling of pain, pressure, or fullness in the face.

Other symptoms may include:

  • Ear pressure or fullness

It may be difficult to tell if a child, especially one of infant or toddler age, has a sinus infection or a simple cold or allergies. Signs of sinus infections in children include irritability, breathing through the mouth, difficulty feeding, and nasally speech.

Itâs recommended that you see a doctor if your symptoms last more than 10 days, as it may mean you have a bacterial sinus infection, which should be treated with antibiotics.

You should also see a doctor if your symptoms are severe or continue to worsen , you have multiple infections within a year, or you experience additional symptoms, such as confusion, vision problems, and stiff neck.

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What Is A Secondary Sinus Infection Or Bacterial Sinus Infection

Viral sinusitis lasts 7 to 10 days.

But if the sinuses remain blocked, a secondary sinus infection could develop.

Rather than being caused by a virus, this secondary sinus infection arises due to bacteria that normally live in the respiratory tract.

The common bacteria found in people with bacterial sinusitis are:

  • Streptococcus pneumoniae, the bacteria behind pneumococcal disease
  • Haemophilus influenzae, a bacterium that causes various invasive diseases, including pneumonia, meningitis, and cellulitis
  • Moraxella catarrhalis, a leading cause of otitis media in children
  • Staphylococcus aureus, which is the bacteria behind âstaphâ skin infections

Prevotella,Porphyromonas, Fusobacterium, and Peptostreptococcus are the genera that include the most common types of bacteria present in people with chronic sinus infections, or those that last 12 weeks or more.

Diagnosis And Testing Of Fungal Sinusitis

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To evaluate for the presence of fungal sinusitis, your healthcare provider will examine your head and neck using a nasal endoscope .

While computed tomography scans are used in most cases to check for the degree of invasion, magnetic resonance imaging scans are the preferred method for IFS cases, as they can identify growth in soft tissue.

A sample of mucus or pus in the nose may also be taken and sent to the lab to check for the presence of fungi. This procedure is commonly performed in NFS cases in which fungi do not invade the bloodstream.

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