Wednesday, September 4, 2024

How Do I Know If I Have Sinus Polyps

How Do You Know If You Have Polyps

Learning About Nasal Polyps

It can be tricky to know for sure if you have polyps without getting the help of a doctor. Polyps tend not to have any symptoms when they are small and just beginning to form.

When they are large enough to cause symptoms, its often the case that the signs of the polyps are very similar to conditions from allergies and a cold. For example, sinus polyps can cause a persistent runny nose, feelings of stuffiness or congestion, feelings of pressure in the face and sneezing. About three quarters of people also notice a reduced sense of smell thanks to the enlarged polyps.

Occasionally, people with polyps in the sinuses and nasal passages also have a sensitivity to aspirin. In fact, in some cases, an allergy to aspirin can be what triggers the growth of the polyps.

Since sinus polyps are benign growths, they shouldnt cause problems such as bleeding or extreme pain. If you suspect that you have a growth or polyp and it is very painful or causing you to bleed, or if the polyp seems to be on just one side of the nose, it could be a sign of a tumor in the sinuses, and not a polyp.

Seeing a doctor is often your best course of action if you have prolonged symptoms that dont seem to clear up or if you have more severe symptoms like bleeding. A doctor can look into your nasal passages and sinuses and verify whether or not polyps are there.

How Do I Prevent Nasal Polyps

Not everyone will be able to prevent nasal polyps. However, there are a few ways you may be able to help yourself. The strategies include the following:

  • Follow your doctors instructions on taking your allergy and asthma medications.
  • Avoid breathing airborne allergens or irritants that lead to inflammation of your nose and sinus cavities.
  • Practice good hygiene.
  • Use a humidifier in your home to help moisten your breathing passages.
  • Use a saline nasal rinse or spray to remove allergens or other irritants that may cause nasal polyps.

Complications Of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps can block your airflow and keep fluids like mucus from draining properly. They also cause lots of irritation and inflammation while they’re forming. All of those things can bring complications, including:

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How Do You Detect Nasal Polyps

If you think you could have nasal polyps, you should see a medical professional, such as your family doctor. Theyll look at your nose and ask questions about the symptoms youre experiencing.

Your nose may be examined using a special nasal endoscope. It will have a magnifying lens or camera on it that enables a doctor to see inside your nose and sinuses.

Sometimes other tests may be required, such as a CT scan of the sinuses, a biopsy, or allergy tests, to see if you have any allergies that could be causing the nasal inflammation. A CT scan will help specialists to get a clear view of the size and the location of your polyps. Polyps are rarely cancerous, but can sometimes hide other growths, so a scan can help to rule this out.

A blood test may also be done to check your vitamin D levels, as some studies have shown a link to vitamin D deficiency.

Do Nasal Polyps Go Away On Their Own

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If you have nasal polyps, they wont go away on their own. If you have large nasal polyps or clusters of them, they can cause various symptoms and will need to be treated. A large nasal polyp could block the nose, causing ongoing problems.

Small nasal polyps might not cause any discomfort and you may be unaware you have them, so they can remain untreated without causing problems.

Dont try to ignore nose polyps, hoping theyll go away on their own as you sadly run the risk of developing ongoing sinus infections, asthma flare-ups, and even obstructive sleep apnea, in which the polyp affects your breathing. Sleep apnea is when you have bouts of stopping and starting breathing while youre sleeping, which can be dangerous.

Treatment for nasal polyps

To get rid of nasal polyps, youll need medical treatment. Treatment options include:

  • Corticosteroid nasal sprays steroid nose drops or sprays may be prescribed to help shrink the polyps
  • Steroid tablets sometimes a course of steroid tablets may be prescribed, for one to two weeks
  • Biologics mostly used for people who have severe chronic sinusitis, treatment with biologics, such as mepolizumab or can help to shrink the polyps and improve symptoms
  • Surgery surgical removal of polyps, particularly if they are blocking the airways or causing recurrent ongoing sinusitis.

Your family doctor will discuss treatment options with you and may refer you to a specialist.

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How To Tell If You Have Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are soft, harmless growths that can develop in your nose or sinuses. While these polyps aren’t typically painful, they can cause irritating symptoms and potential complications. Learn more about the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and complications associated with nasal polyps in this article.

Injectables For Nasal Polyps

If oral medications don’t provide immediate relief, your physician may order injectable corticosteroids, like prednisone. These are usually used in combination with nasal sprays in hopes to reduce the swelling. Because the side effects of these types of medication can be serious, they are usually only prescribed for limited amounts of time.

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Both The Ft Lauderdale And Plantation Offices Of The South Florida Sinus And Allergy Centers Are Open For Patient Appointments Both Current And New Patients

The Centers, Under the Direction of Dr. Lee Mandel, Do Not Fall Under the Business Closures of the Broward County Shelter in Place Order

Ft. Lauderdale, FL, March 23, 2020- Both the Plantation and Ft. Lauderdale Offices of the South Florida Sinus and Allergy Center are open for patient appointments, both current and new patients.

Center Director, Lee M. Mandel, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.R.S, said the offices do not fall under the business closures of the Broward County Shelter in Place Order.

We are taking every precaution to keep our patients safe, said Dr. Mandel. If a patient is seeing another doctor, and they are not available because of the Coronavirus crisis, we are happy to see and take care of them. We take our oath very seriously and will not leave patients who need us untreated.

The Ft. Lauderdale Center is located at 1301 E. Broward Blvd, Suite 240, . The Plantation office is at 950 South Pine Island Road, Suite A180, .

How Can I Tell If I Have A Deviated Septum Or A Nasal Polyp

How do I know if I need sinus surgery?

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Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

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Check If You Have Nasal Polyps

Symptoms of nasal polyps include:

  • blocked nose
  • constant need to swallow
  • reduced sense of smell or taste
  • nosebleeds
  • snoring

Nasal polyps can sometimes feel like a cold. But colds tend to clear up within a few days, whereas nasal polyps will not get better unless they’re treated.

If your polyps block your sinuses you may also have symptoms of sinusitis.

Can Nasal Polyps Be Treated

There is no cure for nasal polyps, but there are options for treating them. Most often, a doctor will prescribe corticosteroid nasal sprays or pills to treat polyps. Antibiotics may also be used if there is a sinus infection present.

Some cases require surgery, though the type of surgery depends on severity of the polyps. Most often, endoscopic sinus surgery is performed, which is an outpatient procedure involving the use of an endoscope and other tools to examine the nose, remove the polyps and reopen the sinus cavities so they can drain properly.

If left untreated, complications may result. Possible complications include chronic sinus infections, obstructive sleep apnea , asthma flareups and double vision.

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When To See A Healthcare Provider

If you find that it’s more difficult to breathe through your nose than usualespecially if you aren’t dealing with a cold or allergiesit’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. Similarly, if you lose your sense of taste and/or smell, or have what feels like a head cold or sinus infection that never goes away, it’s time to seek medical treatment.

At the appointment, your healthcare provider will look in your nose and may have to do a nasal endoscopy to get a good look at the full extent of the polyps.

Treatment For Nasal Polyps


Medications: If you need treatment, youâll probably start with a nasal corticosteroid spray. In many cases, that can shrink or even get rid of nasal polyps. But some people need to take corticosteroids such as prednisone by mouth for a week. If that doesn’t work, your doctor may give you a shot of a medicine called dupilumab .

Unfortunately, nasal polyps tend to come back if the irritation, allergy, or infection continues. So you may need to keep using a corticosteroid spray and get checkups with a nasal endoscope every now and then.

In general, medications such as antihistamines and arenât great at managing nasal polyps. But you may need antihistamines, to control allergies, or antibiotics, if you have an infection, before you start on steroids.

Surgery: Sometimes, nasal polyps are so large that medications donât work. In such cases, surgery may be an option.

The doctor would likely use a small nasal telescope that removes nasal polyps. You can go home the same day as the surgery.

Surgery helps in most cases. It may be less effective if you have nasal polyps, asthma, and aspirin sensitivity. If thatâs you, medication may be more helpful.

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What Symptoms Do Nasal Polyps Cause

They cause a range of symptoms and can sometimes feel like youve got a cold. But while a cold normally clears within a few days, they wont get better without treatment.

Symptoms of nasal polyps include:

  • A blocked or stuffy nose
  • A runny nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • A reduced sense of smell or taste
  • Postnasal drip excess mucus drips down the back of your throat making you need to swallow a lot
  • A feeling of pressure in your face, or forehead
  • Snoring
  • Nosebleeds

The exact symptoms youll have will partly depend on the size and location of the polyps in your nose and how much inflammation there is.

When Is Surgery Considered For Nasal Polyps

If you have nasal polyps with symptoms that have not responded to other therapies, a nasal polypectomy may be considered to remove the polyps.

Before surgery, a computerized tomography scan of your head is typically performed to determine the extent and locations of polyps in your nasal passages and sinus cavities.

A nasal polypectomy should not be performed if you do not exhibit symptoms or if medications can control your symptoms.

Contraindications for this type of surgery include:

  • Cardiac disease
  • Mucocele

These complications generally can be treated effectively, without lasting consequences.

You can have minor, limited bleeding at home after your surgery, and it typically resolves quickly. Your healthcare provider may tell you to contact their office during daytime business hours if bleeding occurs.

Uncontrolled bleeding is a medical emergency. You should seek emergency care if you experience heavy bleeding or bleeding that won’t stop.

Severe complications that may occur include eye, nasofrontal duct stenosis, and orbital problems.

You should get immediate medical attention for any severe headaches or vision problems.

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About South Florida Sinus & Allergy Center

South Florida Sinus and Allergy Center provides comprehensive testing and treatment of sinus and nasal allergies, as well as sleep and snoring-related conditions. Its team of medical specialists stays on the cutting-edge of technology and technique to consistently provide long-term sinonasal, sleep and snoring relief through individualized care. The Centers treat many patients seeking second and third opinions as well as those who have undergone past unsuccessful treatments. For additional information go to

What Are Your Treatment Options

What are Nasal Polyps?

If sinus polyps are interfering with your quality of life and are causing symptoms, treatment can help reduce their size or eliminate them completely. A variety of treatment options are available, and your doctor will most likely recommend the least invasive options first.

For example, some patients see a considerable improvement in the size of their nasal polyps after using nasal corticosteroids or after taking an oral form of the medication. In cases where the polyps are a results of allergies, treating the allergies, either with prescription or over-the-counter medicines or with immunotherapy, can help the polyps improve.

Polyps that dont respond to other treatment options or that have become incredibly large on their own can be surgically removed. Surgery to remove the polyps is usually performed endoscopically, meaning that the surgeon doesnt make an incision on the face or in the nose.

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Nasal Polyps: Causes Symptoms And How To Treat Them Naturally

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Nasal polyps are one of those medical things that you might have and may have had for a while, but you may not even know it. Nasal polyp symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of other common health problems. So, unless you go to the doctor with these issues, you may just assume its something else.

But what if you do have one? What if you do suffer from nasal polyposis? What does that mean? In this article, you will find everything you need to know about nasal polyps, from nasal polyps causes and symptoms to nasal polyps diagnosis and treatment. Hopefully, after your done reading, you will know whether you should see a doctor about the possibility of nasal polyps, or if already knew you had them, this may give you a few ideas about your treatment options.

Symptoms Of Nasal Polyps

If you have any symptoms, they may include:

  • Stuffy or blocked nose
  • Infections

The most common symptoms are a runny, stuffy, or blocked nose.

Many people also have wheezing, sinus infections, and are sensitive to fumes, odors, dust, and chemicals. Itâs less common, but some people with nasal polyps also have a severe allergy to aspirin and reaction to yellow dyes. If you know you have that allergy, ask your doctor to check for nasal polyps.

Nasal polyps make you more likely to have long-term sinusitis. Large ones can even change the shape of your nose.

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Deterrence And Patient Education

Since each patient is different, there is no way to predict how detrimental nasal polyps can be to someone’s health and personal circumstances. In many situations, people live daily with nasal polyps without knowing it and do not seek medical care for their bothersome symptoms. Once identified, patients with nasal polyps should undergo a complete medical evaluation. Besides the improvement in their nasal breathing, patients should understand that the etiology of the nasal polyps should be narrowed down and that additional clinical evaluation by a pulmonologist and allergist will help in the management of the disease and in identifying and treating additional undiagnosed comorbidities such as asthma.

One important remark towards patient education is adherence to treatment. It has been shown that consistent use of high-volume low-pressure nasal saline irrigation, in addition to twice-daily intranasal corticosteroids, improve the QOL of those affected. Many patients with nasal polyposis will experience recurrence due to a lack of adherence to the daily nasal spray. It is important to follow-up with patients closely and reiterate the importance of compliance with the medication to see optimal results.

Medications For Nasal Polys

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The first line of defense, unless nasal polyps are causing significant disruptions to your ability to breathe is to seek treatment through medications. This often comes in the form of nasal corticosteroids designed to reduce inflammation in the nasal passages by shrinking or eliminating the polyps completely.

Your physician may also recommend drugs to treat chronic inflammation in your nasal passages and sinuses. These may include antibiotics to treat a chronic or recurring infection and antihistamines to treat allergies. Some patients with nasal polyps and aspirin sensitivity may benefit from aspirin desensitization therapy.

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What Are The Causes Of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps grow in inflamed tissue of the nasal mucosa. The mucosa is a very wet layer that helps protect the inside of your nose and sinuses and humidifies the air you breathe. During an infection or allergy-induced irritation, the nasal mucosa becomes swollen and red, and it may produce fluid that drips out. With prolonged irritation, the mucosa may form a polyp. A polyp is a round growth that can block nasal passages.

Although some people can develop polyps with no previous nasal problems, theres often a trigger for developing polyps. These triggers include:

There may be a hereditary tendency for some people to develop polyps. This may be due to the way their genes cause their mucosa to react to inflammation.

What To Expect During Your First Visit

Nasal polyps occur high and deep in the nasal passages and are hard for a doctor to see without special tools or imaging exams, such as a CT scan. If you think you may have nasal polyps, you should see a doctor who specializes in treating them. Both ear, nose, and throat specialists and allergists can diagnose and treat nasal polyps.

A specialist can usually diagnose nasal polyps in a physical exam. Heres what you can expect:

  • They will ask about your symptoms
  • They may use a special lighted instrument to look deep inside your sinuses
  • Your family history may also play a role
  • For some people, imaging exams may be needed to better see inflammation inside the nose and sinuses

CT=computed tomography.

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