Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sinus Congestion Vs Sinus Infection

How Do You Stop A Sinus Infection

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If your sinus infection and post nasal drip with cough lasts between 7-10 days, you should be okay handling things at home on your own. To relieve post nasal drip and your cough, you can use antihistamines, nasal saline washes, and natural home remedies .

Be very careful with nasal sprays and certain decongestants, though. These treatment methods can end up thickening your mucus and could potentially make your post-nasal drip and cough worse.

That said, if you have a cough after sinus infection, this also shouldnt automatically trigger a doctors appointment. It can sometimes take up to a couple of weeks for a sinus infection cough to go away completely. As long as you notice your other symptoms clearing up , then you should be good to go.

Pain Or Pressure In Your Sinuses

Facial pain is a common symptom of sinusitis. You have several different sinuses above and below your eyes, as well as behind your nose. Any of these air-filled cavities can hurt when you have a sinus infection.

Inflammation and swelling can cause your sinuses to ache with dull pressure. This is because inflammation may alter the typical path of mucus from the nose to the back of the throat.

You may feel pain in:

  • your forehead
  • on either side of your nose
  • in your upper jaws and teeth
  • between your eyes

This may lead to a headache. Headaches caused by sinus infections can occur where the sinuses are or in other places.

Throat Irritation And Cough

As discharge from your sinuses drains down the back of your throat, it can cause irritation, especially over a long period of time. This can lead to a persistent and annoying cough, which can be worse when lying down to sleep or first thing in the morning after getting up from bed.

It can also make sleeping difficult. Sleeping upright or with your head elevated can help reduce the frequency and intensity of your coughing.

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What You Should Do

Dr. Sedaghat recommends that you treat colds symptomatically. “I tell my patients do whatever makes them feel better. Pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help. Home remedies that can improve nasal symptoms include saltwater rinses for the nose,” Dr. Sedaghat suggests. He also points out that maintaining a healthy diet and drinking plenty of fluids can help keep your energy levels up.

Sinus infections are treated the same way as a cold. If bacteria cause the infection, antibiotics are an option. But many bacterial sinus infections get better on their own.

Care Advice For Sinus Congestion

Is it a Cold or a Sinus Infection?
  • What You Should Know About Sinus Congestion:
  • Sinus congestion is a normal part of a cold.
  • Nasal discharge normally changes color during different stages of a cold. It starts as clear, then cloudy, turns yellow-green tinged, then dries up.
  • Yellow or green-tinged discharge. This is more common with sleep, antihistamines or low humidity.
  • Usually, nasal washes can prevent a bacterial sinus infection.
  • Antibiotics are not helpful for the sinus congestion that occurs with colds.
  • Here is some care advice that should help.
  • Nasal Saline to Open a Blocked Nose:
  • Use saline nose spray . This helps to loosen up the dried mucus. If you don’t have saline, you can use a few drops of water. Use bottled water, distilled water or boiled tap water. Teens can just splash a little water in the nose and then blow.
  • Step 1: Put 3 drops in each nostril.
  • Step 2: Blow each nostril out while closing off the other nostril. Then, do the other side.
  • Step 3: Repeat nose drops and blowing until the discharge is clear.
  • How often: Do saline rinses when your child can’t breathe through the nose.
  • Saline nose drops or spray can be bought in any drugstore. No prescription is needed.
  • Saline nose drops can also be made at home. Use ½ teaspoon of table salt. Stir the salt into 1 cup of warm water. Use bottled water or boiled water to make saline nose drops.
  • Reason for nose drops: Suction or blowing alone can’t remove dried or sticky mucus.
  • Fluids – Offer More:
  • Sinus congestion lasts more than 2 weeks
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    How To Tell The Difference Between Covid

    Allergy and sinus symptoms can be similar to COVID-19 symptoms. An otolaryngologist explains how to tell them apart and when you should seek treatment.

    Allergy season has become more complicated since the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have allergies or sinus problems, you may not be sure how to tell the difference between those symptoms and COVID-19 symptoms. Jessica Southwood, MD, otolaryngologist, offers expert guidance to help you better understand these three conditions.

    Since sinus and allergy symptoms and COVID-19 symptoms can seem similar and have some overlap, it is important to familiarize yourself with the differences. That way, you and your provider can manage your health care appropriately.

    Still Wondering If Its A Cold Or Sinus Infection See A Doctor

    Colds and sinus infections can both heal on their own, but when your symptoms become intense or linger for weeks you should seek help from an Ear, Nose and Throat expert. An experienced doctor will be able to review your symptoms and timeline, examine your sinuses to determine the root cause, and provide you with a treatment plan to help you heal quickly. If youre sick and wondering if you have a cold or sinus infection, stop suffering through symptoms and consult with an ENT expert today.

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    How To Tell When Your Cold Has Become A Sinus Infection

    As the temperatures drop here in Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts, the common cold is on the rise. The symptoms are no mystery: congestion and runny nose, cough, headache and perhaps a sore throat and mild fever. But sometimes that cold can lead to a less common condition that shares many of the same symptoms: a sinus infection.While treatment with antibiotics will do nothing to improve a cold, it could be necessary to clear up a sinus infection. Thats why its important to know how to tell the difference so you can seek care when its needed.Heres what you need to know

    How Is A Sinus Infection Diagnosed And Treated

    Migraine vs Sinus Infection

    Your doctor will give you a physical exam and take your medical history. You might get a CT scan of your sinuses.

    Your doctor may prescribe medication. They may recommend antibiotics if your symptoms go on for more than 10 days. , antihistamines, and other drugs help lessen the swelling in your sinuses and nasal passages.

    Steam and hot showers can help you loosen mucus. Your doctor may also suggest nasal saline to wash mucus from your nose.

    In rare cases, when a sinus infection doesn’t go away, long-term antibiotics or surgery may be needed.

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    Treatment For Sinusitis And Bronchitis

    You can treat a sinus infection at home with a combination of medications such as antihistamines, nasal decongestant sprays, topical nasal corticosteroid sprays, and nasal saline washes. All of these methods can help address the inflammation and swelling that occur in the nasal passages and sinus openings due to a sinus infection.

    However, topical nasal decongestants should only be used for three or four days, as overuse can result in dependency. Likewise, over-the-counter nasal decongestants and antihistamines may contain drying agents that can thicken mucus and should be used sparingly and with caution so as to not cause additional congestion.

    Home remedies for bronchitis include increasing the amount of fluid you consume and using a cool-mist humidifier. Drinking more fluids can help to thin the mucus in the lungs. Using a humidifier can soothe irritated airways.

    The most common medications that can assist with bronchitis are bronchodilators and decongestants.

    Bronchodilators can provide relief by opening tight air passages in the lungs. If you experience any wheezing, a doctor may prescribe one for you. Decongestants may relieve some of the symptoms associated with bronchitis. Because bronchitis is generally caused by a virus, antibiotics are not helpful in its treatment.

    Are Sinus Infections Viral

    Sinusitis can occur due to a viral infection. If excess mucus develops and cannot exit the body due to a blockage or nasal inflammation, it can cause a sinus infection. You may start with a viral cold that doesnt clear up and then turns into a bacterial infection. Allergies can also lead to sinus infections, as can a deviated septum. When bacteria grows in the sinuses, it is a bacterial infection.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control, sinusitis is typically caused by a virus, and less commonly caused by bacteria.

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    What Is A Sinus Infection And How Is It Different Than A Cold

    Each year, about 31 million people experience sinus infectionsalso called sinusitiswhich are usually caused by germs growing in the sinuses, the hollow cavities found behind the nose, eyes, brows, and cheekbones.

    Most often, viruses cause sinus infections, but bacterial infections can cause sinusitis too, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Typically, a bacterial or viral infection causes mucous membranes in the sinuses to swell and block the tiny openings into the sinuses, which interferes with their ability to drain. The trapped mucus allows bacteria to breed, causing pain and pressure in the head and face.

    While colds, which are also caused by viruses, can lead to a sinus infection, a cold is not due to a buildup of germs in the sinus cavities. It’s also important to note that while antibiotics can be helpful for those with sinus infections, they are useless when it comes to fighting cold viruses.

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    Sinus Congestion Vs Sinus Infection

    Quotes about Sinuses (32 quotes)

    Like a mystical eastern religion, in the schnoz, everything is flow. And when this flow is interrupted, problems develop. Our sinuses drain into our nose through small holes called ostia, the Latin word for small hole.

    When the skin lining the nose and sinuses gets swollen most commonly due to a viral infection, less often due to allergies those holes plug up and the sinuses cannot drain. Thats sinus congestion, a deep pressure and tightness. You know it when you feel it.

    The vast majority of cases of rhinosinusitis are triggered by a cold virus, according to the Infectious Disease Society of Americas clinical practice guideline. That virus cripples the mucus-making and cilia-sweeping cells. In addition, the firefight between our immune system and the invader causes the tissue to swell, and battlefield debris piles up because it cannot be removed.

    Typically, a viral infection and the congestion it brings will clear up in seven to 10 days. An antibiotic cannot kill a cold virus, so sufferers just have to wait it out with analgesics, decongestants, hot tea whatever works for them.

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    Are Sinus Infections Contagious

    Because many times sinus infections are caused by viruses, they can be contagious like other infections, such as colds, Melinda said. If you have a sinus infection, its important to use good hygiene skills. Wash your hands, sneeze and cough into the nook of your elbow and use disinfectant wipes to clean everyday touched items like light switches and doorknobs. And try to keep your distance from your healthy family members during the short time when you may be contagious.

    Chat With A Doctor And Get Sinusitis Treatment For Just $23

    However, the two vary considerably in their durations. If you have a viral sinus infection, youll typically start to feel better in 5-7 days. Symptoms unique to bacterial sinusitis include:

    • Your condition gets much worse after you seem to be improving
    • You have a high fever of 100° F or higher
    • Symptoms lasting longer than 7-10 days

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    What Does A Sinus Infection Look Like

    A sinus infection develops when the lining of the sinus cavities becomes irritated and inflamed, preventing proper mucus drainage and airflow. When mucus builds up in the nasal or sinus passages it becomes a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungus, which can lead to an infection.

    Sinusitis symptoms like nasal blockage and facial pain can be frustrating, especially when they continue for long periods of time or return frequently. Common symptoms of sinus infection include:

    • Dental pain
    • Pus in the nasal cavity

    It is possible to start out with a cold, and later end up with a sinus infection because of the lack of drainage caused by cold symptoms. Root causes of a sinus infection include:

    • Allergies
    • Cold or virus
    • Immunodeficiencies

    When a sinus infection appears quickly, produces green or yellow colored mucus, and lasts for up to two weeks, it is usually acute sinusitis. When symptoms last for many weeks or return frequently, this is usually a sign of chronic sinusitis. Acute sinusitis will often resolve itself by treating the symptoms of swelling and congestion, without a visit to a doctor. If symptoms carry on and you think you may have chronic sinusitis, seeing an experienced ENT doctor is the best way to determine the root cause of your sinus issues and get the right treatment.

    S On How To Flush Your Dogs Sinuses

    Stop Seasonal Nasal Congestion and Sinus Infection

    Step 1: Gently take your dogs muzzle and tilt their head back.

    Step 2: Drip the saline into your dogs nostrils. Never forcibly squirt the solution up their nose.

    Step 3: Allow your dog to swallow, demonstrating that the saline ran into the correct location.

    Step 4: After a few swallows, switch to the other nostril.

    Step 5: Reward your pooch for a job well done!

    Need a visual aid? Check out this video that shows how to flush your dogs sinuses at home.

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    Why Do I Have So Much Mucus In My Sinus

    Sinus congestion occurs when the mucous membranes become irritated or infected and start to excrete more mucus than normal, filling those hollow areas with thick mucus. Anything that irritates those mucous membranes can cause them to produce excessive mucus, including these health conditions: A bacterial infection.

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    Sinus Infection Vs The Flu: How To Tell The Difference

    By Kalya MFlu and cold season are just around the corner. As the cold weather begins to make its appearance, you might find that you start to experience a runny nose, congestion, and sore throat. But how do you know if its your standard cold, or something more serious such as the flu or a sinus infection?Every year, five to 20 percent of the US population gets the flu virus while 30 million Americans get sinus infections. Thats a lot of sick people, so its important to boost your immune system as cold season approaches. Yet sometimes you can try every trick in the book and still find yourself feeling like garbage. So, with symptoms so similar how do you know if you are coming down with the flu or are experiencing a terrible sinus infection?THE FLUUnlike other colds that gradually come over you, the flu hits your body quickly. According to the CDC, in general, flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms are more intense. Symptoms Include:

    • Runny nose

    The Difference?We get it, its still confusing to tell which illness you have when the symptoms overlap, and while the flu is more intense and severe than a sinus infection, unfortunately, it can cause sinus infections, too. So, how can you tell the difference.Fever?If you have a fever, youre likely to have the flu over a sinus infection.

    Navigate The Pain!Navigate the pain. If youre experiencing body aches and chills, that is more likely to be the flu. If its facial pain, that points to a sinus infection.

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    Some Steps You Can Take

    Whether your sinus infection turns out to be viral or bacterial, you can help to ease your symptoms early on with supportive sinus care:

  • Use saline spray two to three times per day in each nostril.
  • Use a nasal decongestant such as Afrin®, but not longer than three days.
  • Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid per day.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help relieve the swelling of your sinuses.
  • If your symptoms arent improving after one week, its important to see your doctor. If a bacterial infection is suspected, youll probably need to take an antibiotic to clear up the infection and prevent further complications.

    If your infections occur more frequently, and your doctor really wants to establish if they are bacterial or viral, your Otolaryngologist or ear, nose and throat doctor can sample the snot from your nose when youre infected and send it to a laboratory to know for sure.

    Note: Antibiotics wont help a viral infection, and taking an antibiotic unnecessarily can do more harm than good. You risk possible side effects and increase your chances of developing antibiotic resistance, which can make future infections harder to treat, says Dr. Sindwani. So its important to wait and see how long your symptoms last.

    What Can I Do To Prevent Or Relieve The Symptoms Of Chronic Cough

    Symptoms of Acute Sinusitis Following a Cold ...

    To prevent chronic cough:

    • Quit smoking, or donât start smoking, since this is the most common reason for chronic cough.
    • Avoid contact with anyone you know who may have bronchitis or pneumonia.
    • Eat fruit and foods that contain fiber. Research suggests that a combination of fiber and flavonoids found in fruit may prevent chronic cough.

    To relieve the symptoms of chronic cough:

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    Treating A Sinus Infection

    Sinus infections are different from colds because they are caused by bacteria growing in blocked sinuses. Because of this, they may improve with antibiotics. Depending on your situation, your doctor may prescribe medication, such as antibiotics, or other drugs that can help relieve your pain and lessen the swelling in your sinuses.

    If you feel you may have a sinus infection that is worsening, visit your urgent care clinic or primary care physician as soon as possible. You could receive treatment to help you recover faster.

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